UWP launching Recreation Committee
In honor of the 2020 Ridgway RiverFest, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UWP is reviving its efforts to organize an UWP Recreation Committee. Like our Technical Committee that provides input and helps advise our board and contractors on our mine reclamation projects, our new Recreation Committee would give a voice to locals who are active in outdoor recreation. This group would help our nonprofit board and contractors develop projects beneficial in riparian areas such as fish habitat improvement, informational signage, and stream bank restoration.
UWP has some funding raised by past Fly Fishing Film Tour Benefits and the potential for additional funds for use in projects that will be appreciated by the whole community, but especially by the active users of the waterways and riparian areas of Ouray County. Our all-volunteer board and small, part-time staff could use the assistance of this committee to select and plan projects.
We are seeking volunteer committee members, who will determine the meeting schedule, locations, and committee size. We are also looking for one part-time Committee Coordinator to work 5 to 15 hours per month including gathering committee members, planning meetings, acting as secretary for committee meetings, and reporting at board meetings.
Examples of possible projects are: riverside signage, a new boat or fishing access point, education campaigns to recreationalists (watershed health, recreating lightly on the water, etc.), local water recreation map and guide or website/page, new boardwalk at a lake, RiverFest participation, campaign to remove fences across river in northern Ouray County, etc.
To sign up to volunteer, ask questions, or give ideas about UWP’s new Recreation Committee, please send an email to Tanya at uwpcommunications@gmail.com.
To ask questions about the Recreation Committee Coordinator position, also please email Tanya or call and leave a message at 970-325-3010. To apply for the position, please send a resume or personal profile and a cover letter describing your related background and interest to uwpcoordinator@gmail.com by July 20.