news article headline from the Aug 2, 2012 The Watch newspaper

Good Samaritan Mine Site Remediation Law Enacted

In an email update last week, the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership shared news about a great development for the future of abandoned mine site cleanup. The Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act was signed into law…

flyer to promote board recruitment for Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

Join UWP Board to Preserve & Restore the Watershed

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP) is seeking new board members to join our seven current members to help lead the direction of the nonprofit and support staff in developing and accomplishing events, programs, and projects….

River Watch volunteers collecting data in river

UWP hiring River Corps member

Service Position Summary: The Hydrologist/Hyrdographer Member, supported by AmeriCorps, will work for Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership and its partners, assisting with collection, analysis and reporting on streamflow and water quality data for diverse water sources. In…

sphagnum photo taken by Megan Gaspari in Ouray County, Colorado

Local Students & Residents Learn from Wetlands Scientists

On July 27, the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP) hosted a public field trip to the Ironton Park area of Red Mountain Pass. Dr. Rod Chimner of Michigan Technological University and Dr. Jake Kurzweil of Mountain…