Lesson: Determining River Health 

pages 11-13 of the UWP Educator’s Guide to Teaching Students About the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed (also see contents, introduction & pdf link)


Students will visit four sites along the river. Using the Uncompahgre Watershed Water Quality Field Data Sheet, they will:

  • Make a stream health prediction based on initial observations (and sketch what they see) noting types of topographic, development, or wild factors that exist
  • Sort macroinvertibrates and determine biotic index using materials and the laminated Biotic Index Tally Sheets in the materials trunk.
  • Measure river temperature
  • Measure pH values and turbidity (abiotic factors)
  • Watch teachers measure dissolved oxygen (DO). Students will be provided DO and conductivity reading for consideration (abiotic factors)


After all lessons during Watershed Awareness Week, students will answer an Essential Question “Is our River Healthy? Why or Why not?” Students will demonstrate master of vocabulary, data collection, mapping, and more to reflect on experiences from the week’s activities.

Time Frame:

Total of 90 minutes at each site, includes time for introduction/site safety/snack/splitting into small groups:

  • Predictions and observations (15 minutes)
  • Biotic Factors (20 minutes)
  • Abiotic Factors (35 minutes)
  • Q & A and final observations before boarding bus to next location (5 minutes)

Teacher Background:

See the information sheets at the end of this lesson for background about DO, pH, turbidity, and stream temperature, and conductivity. Share info about each with students before each session of data collection:

  • What is it?
  • Why does it matter?
  • How is it measured?

The handouts can also be made available to students after the site visits. The information will help inform their understanding.

Materials to be shared among individual groups of two students:

  • PPE: safety glasses 
  • Bottles pH strips (one strip per student)
  • Turbidity kits (one per group)
  • large white basins
  • white ice cube trays
  • Small white collection containers
  • Eye droppers
  • Magnifying lenses
  • Celsius thermometer on thin orange rope
  • Large syringes and small plastic cups
  • Tweezers
  • Laminated biotic index worksheets
  • Large and small dip nets


Because many of the materials must be shared, it may be helpful to conduct each investigation as a group.

15Arrive on site: safety talk, snack, introduction to activities
15PREDICTIONS AND PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS Note mining activity and other  human or wildlife activityEach student will complete top two-thirds of “Uncompahgre Watershed Water Quality Field Data Sheet” (students have one sheet for each of four sites)
20BIOTIC FACTORS Split into two groups and head to measurement sites/unpack trunkAdults will collect and add a small amount of water to the white bins and gather large rocks from river; demonstrate how to remove silt and organic matter from rocks into the bins. Gather more for students.Students will look for and record signs of aquatic life using the laminated Macroinvertibrate Species Indicator cards provided. Encourage students to use tools to transfer matter into smaller white containers or ice cube trays and use eye droppers, tweezers, and magnifying lenses to ID species. In areas with riverbank vegetation, encourage students to “drag lightly” the dip nets along grasses that droop into the river. REMIND THEM TO STAY OUT OF THE WATER.Students will record Group 1-4 species found on their data sheetsRinse materials and return them to the trunk
02ABIOTIC FACTORS (What’s the difference? Biotic factors vs. Abiotic factors)Measure water temperature (as a group)
15Conduct turbidity testAdults will collect waterPass collection cylinder around to each student to make a personal observation using laminated turbidmetric card; record on data sheet
03Measure pHAdults will collect water samples in cups (at least 10 cm below water)Conduct pH measurements; each student will use a pH test strip to dip into a cylinder of river waterAdults: read instructions to studentsStudents will record pH on their data sheet. 
03Briefly discuss Conductivity and why it matters.Conductivity reading will be provided at end of day (from other bus); students will need to add it to their data sheet.
12Return to the central meeting area.Adults will demonstrate to the entire group the dissolved oxygen measurement process before getting on bus.Students will add the result to their data sheets.
05Group questions and reflections
90Total minutes

Leading questions for Q & A and final observations:

  • What kind of topographic, development, or wild observations were made during the prediction and sketching exercise?
  • Did students find aquatic life? Why or why not?
  • Abiotic factors?  Did they notice anything out of the ordinary?

Note: The Student Uncompahgre Watershed—Water Quality Field Data Sheet is on the next page for your reference.

Previous page…Year One Middle School Curriculum Guiding Questions & Outcomes

Next…Student Worksheet: Unc Watershed—Water Quality Field Data
Collection Sheet to Determine Abiotic and Biotic Factors