UWP is guided by a board of seven to eleven directors including four officers, as well as bylaws and other operating documents. Directors must be adults with a demonstrated interest in issues that affect the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed. Board directors include area residents, landowners, permit holders, public land managers, recreational users, and other stakeholders – many with technical/scientific expertise and experience that contribute added value towards UWP’s mission, activities, and objectives.
Three-year terms are staggered to ensure continuity of leadership. Directors generally serve at least two terms. The board generally meets on even months of the year (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) from 4 to 6 p.m. on the second Thursday.
On odd months, four Board Working Groups meet. Board members can choose to participate in one to three Working Groups, based on their interest and availability. The groups are: Operations (for officers), Financials & Fundraising, Education & Outreach, and Watershed Restoration. The groups also welcome non-board members who are community members with specialized knowledge related to the group’s goals and activities.
Board directors typically volunteer four to six hours per month including meetings and other activities, while board officers volunteer an additional 2 to 3 hours per month. One to three times a year, directors are expected to help out an extra four to six hours in a month for special events such as RiverFest.
If you are interested in becoming a board member, you can contact UWP Executive Director Tanya Ishikawa at 970-325-3010 or tanya@uncompahgrewatershed.org. Also, please complete a short questionnaire regarding your interest in serving on the board.
If you are not ready to become a board member but are interested in joining a Working Group or volunteering in other ways for UWP, please reach out to Tanya to let her know!