photo from Newmont Mining, True Grit mine site, Leadville, CO

Scientists to share innovations in Leadville

Thirty mining and reclamation professionals will present talks and posters about innovations and best practices for water treatment, community collaboration, environmental restoration, and related topics in Leadville in late May. Interested community members, students, professors,…


Proposals Requested for Governor Basin Time Critical Removal Action

Trout Unlimited (hereinafter referred to as “TU”) through a partnership Ouray Silver Mines, Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, the Colorado Natural Resource Damage Program, and the United States Forest Service (USFS or FS hereafter), is seeking a…


Why are our streams so many colors?

New informative booklet provides answers about Ouray County watershed The Uncompahgre River Watershed in Ouray County is a first-of-its-kind publication that provides answers about water quality, supply and other features of the Uncompahgre River, its…