Mine Remediation Projects Make Front Page of Montrose Daily Press

FEATURED: Cleaner watershed Projects divert heavy metal from Uncompahgre By Katharhynn Heidelberg, Montrose Daily Press Senior Writer, Oct. 22, 2015 Two abandoned mines in the Uncompahgre watershed are no longer leaking heavy metals into the waterways, after…


Upper Uncompahgre Mine Remediation Projects – Oct. 2, 2015 Progress Report

WHY THE PROJECTS? In recent years, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has prioritized addressing non-point source pollution from heavy metals in Colorado’s rivers. UWP’s remediation projects at three legacy mine sites in the Upper…


UWP mine remediation projects featured in article on mine spill into Animas River

“The Gold King Mine spill is very unfortunate. But it is also bringing public awareness to the magnitude of water quality problems associated with abandoned mines in our region and highlights the need for more remediation,” said Przeszlowska. “The Uncompahgre River…