Mining & Rec. Conference 2016 Keynote Topic Announced

Unintended consequences related to abandoned underground mines will be the keynote lunch address at the San Juan Mining & Reclamation Conference in Durango, Colo. on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016. Speaking from 25 years of professional experience,…


Ouray Hyrdopower Reservoir Flushing Update #1

     Due to public interest in the impact of the reservoir’s sediment flushing on the Uncompahgre River, former UWP Coordinator Agnieszka Przeszlowska and the Ouray Public Health Director collected river water samples in the…


Upper Uncompahgre Mine Remediation Projects – Oct. 2, 2015 Progress Report

WHY THE PROJECTS? In recent years, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has prioritized addressing non-point source pollution from heavy metals in Colorado’s rivers. UWP’s remediation projects at three legacy mine sites in the Upper…