Seeding Project in Rollans Park

On October 6, the UWP continued with the Re-vegetation of Rollans Park with the Ouray County Weed Manager Ron Mabry, local volunteers, and a new group of out Grand Junction called Humanists Doing Good.

We started the morning meeting each other over coffee and bagels. Newly re-charged and ready to go, we began spreading humates (carbon-based compound to encourage microbial growth in the soil) and a native grass seed and wildlflower mix along the east side of the Uncompahgre River. We then laid down biodegradable aspen fiber and fastened it to the ground. This will ensure that birds and wind don’t carry away our seeds, and also protect the ground and environment for proper germination of the seeds next season. We then enjoyed a great lunch prepared by Ron.

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who are so dedicated to this project! We can’t thank you enough for all of your hours that you’ve invested in ensuring a viable and healthy environment in our town park.

For more information about Humanists Doing Good, please visit their website:

Below are some photos from the event!

If you’d like to volunteer to help finish this project, we will meet at Rollans Park in Ridgway, CO on October 19 at 9am, weather permitting. You can e-mail, or visit our homepage to sign up online on