Ridgway Updated Proposed Ordinance on River District Development

In 2018, the Town of Ridgway passed an ordinance to protect the river corridor called the Uncompahgre River Overlay District. This is the link to the ordinance:

“An Ordinance Of The Town Of Ridgway, Colorado Amending The Official Zoning Map to Provide For The Uncompahgre River Overlay District, Creating River Corridor Development Regulations, And Amending The Town’s Subdivision Regulations For Preliminary Plat And Required Improvements.”

The proposed municipal law was created to accomplish Goal 4 of Ridgway’s 2011 Land use Plan Update to “preserve, restore, and re-engage the Uncompahgre River to strengthen the riparian corridor as an asset to the community”. It will be discussed at a public meeting at the Ridgway Town Hall on Wed., Oct. 18. It may go to a vote on first reading by Ridgway Town Council in November, and a final vote on second reading with a public hearing in December.

Map of Ridgway Town Properties within the River Corridor Overlay District