Proposals Requested for Governor Basin Time Critical Removal Action

Trout Unlimited (hereinafter referred to as “TU”) through a partnership Ouray Silver Mines, Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, the Colorado Natural Resource Damage Program, and the United States Forest Service (USFS or FS hereafter), is seeking a contractor to provide equipment, labor and materials for restoration of abandoned mine lands at the Terrible and Virginius Mines near the town of Ouray, Colo.

The Contractor will complete work associated with six main Tasks that include: 1) Road improvements, material generation, channel construction for Terrible 3 adit, 2) Grading of the Terrible 1 and 3 waste dumps, consolidation of the Terrible 1, drain and muck out sediment pond, 3) Construction of the western drainage and completion of the eastern drainage, 4A) Cap and cover the Terrible 1 and 3 with Virginius waste rock, grad and install erosion controls on Terrible 2, 4B) reclamation area consistent with 4A; reduction in cap acreage and supplementation of in-situ soil remediation, 5) Final consolidation and installation of In-situ amendments to Virginius Tailings; Construct USFS parking area, 6) Deconstruct temporary culverts and install two Rolling Dip road crossings. The total footprint of the removal action is estimated at 10.47 acres, with 8.96 acres on Ouray Silver Mines property and 1.51 acres on USFS lands.

A more complete description of the supplies and/or services sought for this project is in the Mineral Park
Project Plan is at the link below. Deadline for proposals: Nov. 12, 2021