Irrigation Efficiency Application Deadline: Jan. 8
The Colorado River District, in association with the Delta Conservation District, is making up to $500K available to qualifying agricultural producers for planning and potential implementation of irrigation efficiency improvement projects in the Lower Gunnison Basin.
Landowners in the Uncompahgre River Watershed (as well as within the Bostwick Park, North Fork, Crawford, and Uncompahgre Valley areas) will be considered for grant funding for projects that that increase water use efficiency.
Applications will be accepted until January 8th and are available from gunnisonriverbasin.org and/or from the Delta Conservation District.
”This is an important funding opportunity that will enable our agricultural constituents to become more productive and profitable while helping to achieve important water and land resource stewardship goals,” explained Dave Kanzer, Deputy Chief Engineer of the River District.
Successful applicants will receive 100 percent funding to create approved engineering plans to improve irrigation systems. Such successful on-farm improvements would also address natural resource concerns: 1) increased water availability (via water use efficiency), 2) improved water quality (via reduced salinity and selenium loading), 3) improved soil health (e.g., minimum till), and 4) improved fish and wildlife habitat (via items 1-3).
This funding opportunity complies with the rules and regulation of the Natural Resources Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) and is open to all eligible agricultural producers without discrimination or bias.
Interested landowners can obtain an application or more information by visiting the Delta Conservation District (690 Industrial Blvd, Delta, CO 81416 / Phone (970) 399- 8194) or by going to the following web address: http://gunnisonriverbasin.org/projects/lower-gunnison-project/