Free Private Well Water Sampling in Six County Area
Results from UWP’s recent water quality testing in the Uncompahgre River showed periodic increased arsenic levels (known to cause cancer) as well as other toxic heavy metals. Wells, if properly constructed, should not be affected by bodies of surface water (creeks, streams, lakes, and rivers). However, due to elevated metals in the water of the Uncompahgre, it would be prudent to check the quality of water from wells along the river to ensure that your water is safe to drink.
While free well water testing is available to private well owners in a six county area (Ouray, San Miguel, Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale) thanks to a Center of Disease Control grant, UWP volunteers are making themselves available to help with well testing near the Uncompahgre River. Attached please find a related letter and form from the Delta County Health Department on behalf of the West Central Public Health Partnership.
The offer of free testing is time limited as eventually the grant funding will no longer be available. Please download, fill out and return the CDC-Well-Sample-Form-Ouray-County if you would like to participate. If you have questions, please call Ken Nordstrom at the number at the Delta County Health Department at 970-874-2165 or
If you need help completing the form and collecting the water sample, volunteers from UWP are available to help until the end of May 2018. Contact UWP by emailing or calling 970-325-3010.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this well testing, which is highly recommend by our water experts and the Ouray Department of Public Health.
To learn more about arsenic and drinking water, read Arsenic-Fact-Sheet from the State of Colorado.