Love Your Gorge 2018

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September 15, 2018 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Ouray Ice Park
280 Co Rd 361
Ouray, CO 81427
Tanya Ishikawa

photo courtesy of

Volunteers are needed to help clean up the Uncompahgre River Gorge above Ouray, where the Ouray Ice Park is located, on Saturday, Sept. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon with a free picnic event to follow. 

We plan to remove log jams at the bottom of the gorge and pick up construction debris along the edge of the gorge. Please be prepared for rough terrain and some steep hiking up and down.

Who can come: everyone of all ages (as long as parents accompany children), but please leave your furry friends at home

What to bring: proper clothing for mid-September weather in Ouray (layers, pants and layers on top), closed-toed shoes, gloves, and a water bottle. Optional: sunscreen, insect repellent, and depending on weather rain gear.

Register: Please sign up below so we can keep track of volunteer numbers!

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Love Your Gorge Sign Up”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Additional names who will be joining me.” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”I have the following questions that I would like the organizers to respond to by email or phone.” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

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