2023 Spirit of the River Youth Art, Poetry and Essay Contest
THEME: The importance of protecting our rivers and what we can do to preserve our watershed
WHAT: Art, poetry and essay contest organized by the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, open to students in grades 6 – 12, who live in the seven counties (Delta, Montrose, Ouray, Gunnison, Hinsdale, San Juan and San Miguel) within the Uncompahgre River watershed
WHEN: Contest submissions accepted through midnight October 31st, 2023.
HOW: All entries should be emailed to info@uncompahgrewatershed.org.
Entry Submission Guidelines:
- Must highlight contest theme
- Must be entrant’s original work
- Must include with entry the entrant’s name, age, grade, address, phone, and email
Poetry & Essay Criteria:
- Must be no longer than 500 words
- Must be submitted double spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font in a google doc, msword file or pdf file
Art Criteria
- All art media acceptable
- Must be submitted via screenshot or jpg, and actual art must be provided for judging if requested, and for display at the recognition event on Nov. 16
Prizes for the Art, Poetry and Essay contest: 1st place $200, 2nd place, $100, and 3rd place $50
Prizes will be awarded at the UWP’s 10th Anniversary Celebration on November 16th, 2023. All submissions/work to be displayed/exhibited at the Celebration on November 16th at the Ouray Community Center from 5:30p to 8pm.
Judging and Evaluation
UWP Board and staff members and two to three community judges (possibly including teachers, artists, writers, and prize sponsor) will review materials based on submission criteria, as well as on the following criteria:
- The entrant speaks from the heart and introduces conservation ideas.
- The poetry, essays and any text on art will be judged on spelling and grammar.
If you have questions, please contact: info@uncompahgrewatershed.org
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