2024 Rocky Mountain Mining and Reclamation Conference expands to historic mining community of Leadville CO
Elevating Our Impact in Leadville, Colorado
The highly anticipated Rocky Mountain Mining and Reclamation Conference is set to unfold in the historic town of Leadville, Colorado, from May 22 to 24, 2024. This immersive event promises to spotlight Leadville’s storied mining past, its captivating venues, and the dynamic community that calls it home.
Hosted for over 10 years as the San Juan Mining and Reclamation Conference, the roots of this event will always exist in the San Juan Mountains. However, the history of mining in Colorado extends throughout the Rockies. Therefore, the conference is expanding its horizons, now embracing the entire Rocky Mountain region under the new banner: Rocky Mountain Mining and Reclamation Conference. The Steering Committee consists of the following partners: Mountain Studies Institute, Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, Arkansas River Watershed Collaborative, Schnabel Engineering, Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety, HDR, USGS, and Visit Leadville-Twin Lakes. Expected to draw around 250 stakeholders, including mining industry leaders, scientists, engineers, government agency staff, professors, and the public, the conference aims to delve into the science and policy of preserving and restoring water quality at mine sites and mine lands remediation.
“This year’s theme, Elevating Our Impact, asks us to consider the foundational connections of water and watersheds and how we may be inspired by nature itself in our endeavors for extracting and re-using resources, akin to the planet’s perpetual water cycle,” said Steering Committee member Tanya Ishikawa. “Specifically, we welcome presentations concerning mining, mine lands remediation, and water quality, with the goal of improving mining and reclamation practices, and addressing water-quality impairment in the Rocky Mountain west.”
The three-day event will showcase Colorado’s rich mining history in a variety of Leadville’s most iconic venues. “We are thrilled to be hosting the RMM&R conference in Leadville this year,” says Visit Leadville-Twin Lakes Tourism Director Adam Ducharme. “Holding events at the Tabor Opera House, The National Mining Museum, Freight, and CMC will give this group a true taste of what our community has to offer during an off-peak time of year when they can take in our unique, small town charm.”
Conference Highlights:
- Location: Leadville, CO
- Date: May 22-24, 2024
- Theme: Elevating Our Impact
- Objectives: Improving mining practices, addressing water quality impairments, and fostering information sharing and networking.
- Field Trip Locations: Explore historical sites like Climax molybdenum mine, Eagle Mine and mill site, Leadville Mining Museum, and more.
Event Schedule:
- Wed., May 22, 2024: Welcoming reception and keynote talk at Tabor Opera House
- Thu., May 23, 2024: Technical talks/sessions at Colorado Mountain College, Leadville
- Thu., May 23, 2024: Evening reception at FREIGHT
- Fri., May 24, 2024: Field trips to 4 to 6 locations around Leadville
Registration and Ticket Prices:
Conference registration opens in early January 2024. With a capacity of 220 attendees and limited field trip slots, secure your spot with Early Bird tickets at $225 or Normal tickets at $295.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Act fast to secure sponsorship by Feb. 15 for a 10% discount or by March 24 for full conference benefits. Organizations and industry representatives can elevate their visibility among decision-makers from Colorado and beyond.
Abstract Submissions:
Submit abstracts by March 1 for presentations related to mining, mine lands remediation, and water quality, aligning with the conference theme, “Elevating Our Impact.” Click here to learn more and submit.
Leadville Business Collaboration:
Local businesses interested in collaboration opportunities, offering services such as catering, lodging, transportation, guiding, and products, are invited to reach out to the committee for partnership opportunities.
To learn more about the conference, visit mountainstudies.org/rmmrc.
For lodging options, visit leadvilletwinlakes.com/lodging/category.