2018-19 Membership Drive
WATER IS LIFE! But our watershed needs help – water quality is degraded by pollution from abandoned mine wastes, and periods of drought threaten our ranches and environment. Please support the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership as we and our partners continue our hard work to address these issues.
- Continue abandoned mine remediation in collaboration with Ouray Silver Mines, Trout Unlimited, Trust for Land Restoration, local, state and federal partner agencies, and other stakeholders
- Conduct a science-based study of water quality effects of annual sediment releases from the Ouray hydrodam
- Work with ranchers, recreationists, water agencies and other stakeholders on the Ouray County Steer-ing Committee for Stream Management and Planning to determine water resource needs and options
- Advocate for local stakeholders on updated water quality benchmarks for the Uncompahgre Watershed
- Continue monthly water sampling, watershed education and public outreach events, park clean-ups and riparian restoration efforts
- Publish a “State of the Watershed” guide for Ouray County
- Produce the annual Ridgway RiverFest
2019 will be an important year for UWP and we need your financial support as much as ever! Grants cover our major projects, but cannot be used to cover many ongoing administrative expenses. Fundraising activities at community events help, but donations from individuals and businesses are critical. The future of our watershed depends on the generosity of caring community members like yourself.
Please donate what you can during this year-end membership/fundraising drive. Your donations are federal tax deductible, and contributions of $100 or more also qualify for a 25% tax credit against your Colorado income taxes.
And, join or renew as a member so you and your family can become part of the team working to protect and restore the Uncompahgre River
From the Board and Staff of the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership